because i believe
missing someone
is a good thing
the more you miss
the better it is
And the more you miss, the greater the love is ;he said.


very nice but sensitive.
wonderfully attached.
11 February.
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DEAREST<3! SIHAH SIRAH KAKAK TAUFIQ MARIA JACK! DYLA MAIRA HUSAINI FYRA MIA MIERA Isha ApiS Baidurah Eeduhh FuzzLee Fyera Hafiz(ite) HaiQal Izzat Janna nvss Khalisha LYN! mahirah Mazuin mike Nadhirah peiting qim! Samaniah syiKIN SoFia yani(:

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skin by afterbirth
pattern by masterjinn

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Its been raining for the past few days. So perfect for me to sleeeep; but not when comes to going for work. I'll grumble like its somebody's fault that it have to rain, like that. especially when we planned for a nice outing. wahh binget ah. ha! but yesterday was just fine :) oh thank you. met bf after an interview, for movie at Amk Hub. 4bia was definitely a unique blend of horror and comedy; and it does give a good scare-you-out-of-your-pants reaction that makes it worth the watch! I never lay my finger off from my ears; the loud sound effects really scares the shit out of me! haha. You'll have intense feeling throughout the show, you try! (;

Its the last week of August. And all I'm thinking off is my pay. hahah siak. Speaking of which, fasting month is nearing; just a number days more. The only time I can save moneyy & slim the fats down! hahah. I dunno why, but I seems to be a little bit excited for puasa. ha! Kay, its time to be all good! Busy cleaning the house & Dad wanna have new colours for the rooms; shall see bout that. And I have many dinner-dates coming up for puasa already :D oh and know what? i can't wait to get my hands on deng deng once again! hahaha what the heck, I just did mention about slimming down huh =.='

Now now, take a look at the video below! Veryyy adorable. baby nowadays. tsk! ;D

not forgetting, *shout* Happy 20cents Birthday Nadiah Raman! :D hehe. Alright, I'm going back to my korean drama!


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

hehe. which actually falls just yesterday ;)

We had a clear view from Marina South. Yes, the fireworks were indeed beautiful! today was wayy better I suppose. (and even more packed!) Yesterday with bf, today too & together with wan! hehe. weather was bad tho. Rain'ed the whole afternoon, then continue drizzling till now. tsk!

After work around four, meet up with Nadiah at Tampines mall. Lunch'd at KFC then went for window shopping. All just because to kill the time lah. Plans were canceled at the very last minute. haiya. sad! tsk nevermind, next time k girls! .. and I waited for bf and wan at mcd interc alone after nadiah left, nearly half an hour. haha. boleh mengamok sey menunggu kalau ekotkan hati. but no, I know its pms today so I controlled the emotions. ha! :p

Kay, whatever.

Ah k this part here is for you, girls. Feel free to terase if you think you are the one la k (: the thought of you having to know/be close with someone that is somehow or rather related, really pissed me. because I want nothing gotta do with you no more. All thanks to your very nice attitude that I find it hard to forget. Oh ya, please stop viewing me lah; neither here nor friendster. gees. why bother to sebok? I dislike you, ya know?

haha some people .. *shakehead*

alright, gonna have my rest now.
Goodnight love ones!

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my ever so irritating little sister (;
me and sisters hafta entertain her while my parents' out. She loves playing online games I tell you. She can sits in front of the comp/laptop for hours if we didn't force her to stop. Yes, we hafta force! gee. game-monster. She can even mimic every single one of the character's dialogs ok! hahah. Just look at her! Tembam nak mampos! I call her fat 'cause she have the pregnant-stomach. ha! Well, she stops playing by 1030hrs just now; only until I told her about waking up to school tomorrow morning. =.='

oh! and Fidot msg'ed me on how beautiful the date is today! 20082008! indeed. once in the lifetime lah. Rock on! hehe. Alright, I'm off to bed now. working tomorrow! nights all (:

. . . . . . . . . .

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.

And I realized. I've made a promise that I'll keep. I saw how far it gets. Damn you, emotions. Whats up with me; i need to get hold of myself. 'cause it'll never do me any better. Whats wrong with taking things a little bit more positive Jannah? Grow up. And yes, never blame anyone else; for you, have your flaws too.

Yet again, I'm haunt with all this crappy feelings. tat leads me to so much confusion and depress. Was it pms? if I remember, it only comes starting of the month. blergh! I swear I hate this.

At this second, (i wish) I am up at the Cameron Highland. Stepping out of the well-equip plus hi-tech(if there is) hotel (or better, a chalet/banglow),enjoying the cold-breezy weather with the very calm-atmosphere. I'll run up the tea plantations in the afternoon, feeling feeling hindustan (haha!) and pick bright-red sweet strawberries after that! Not forgetting also, the butterfly gardens & flower nurseries then. ahh beautiful! I'll eat eat and eat anything that's halal there. Maybe I'll bring you along? erm second thought, nevermind. This time, not even with the families. I promise I'll come back as soon as I make things right.
Okay, I don't know where am I heading to typing this entry, with just hopes and wishes. tsk! I need a distraction. My mind is going nuts!

Oh, The local movie Money No Enough 2 is entertaining. and I swear its very touchy! I need tissue at the ending part =.='
and I'm looking forward for this weekend with the girls! (:

ok bye!

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

kay, I screwed up.
I apologies.
I wish for one good day.


goodnight to you.

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Monday, August 18, 2008

Hey, got a little too stress up with things? Here,

see how funny that looks when the big one jerks up! AR-CHOO! ;D
does that tickles you? watch below ..

that happens when we got too tired right? (;
Cute nak mampos kan!


oh god, this does really helps lighten up a bit of your stress you know. just a little laughter will make you feel better. smile! teehee. Thanks to Eeduh for showing me these adorable videos. I ended up you-tubing the other few ones. ;)


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let me be patient let me be kind
Make me unselfish without being blind
Though I may suffer I'll envy it not
And endure what comes.


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Friday, August 15, 2008

Meet Dave were rated 3 out of 5 stars. True. It is a good silly-comedy I must say. The plot wasn't up to standard, but it doesn't matter. I laughed alot and had a great time watching it tho. :)

Anyway, I have been reminiscing over the happier old times. ahh I missed it all. So much have changed since many many years back. If only there is this thing call time-machine, guess where I would like to travel? (: uhuh, my childhood of cause. where I'll meet that ever so sweet mum once again in my life. Sometimes I will wonder what my life would be now with her around. So much better I suppose. gee. Yes, I missed her that much :)

But I have no regrets. I accept anything and everything that happened now. Whats there to complain right. It was suppose to be. and I'm gonna remind myself to always stay strong and never let anything gets in my way. Because thats what she taught me to.


ok thats all. Just feel like sharing something. alright I must get to bed now, working tomorrow morning. Nights!


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

ok, at last I got the time to get this updated today .

What have I been to lately? hmm nothing much actually. other than work, either I would be resting at home or, out with the bf for lunch/dinner. & am fighting against my laziness! hehh. Tuesday, I turned down the offer to do teaching at siglap secondary since I wasn't feeling good. Instead, I did a relief at yio chu kang primary on wednesday. Like expected, the primary three students were so noisy; I had to shout at the top of my voice to get their attentions, but that was just for a while. they will go huru-hara after sometimes. ha! Not bad tho, they listened they responded :) they even want me to come back and teach them for the remaining few lessons! well, I dun mind. teehee.

I don't like this feelings - getting all dizzy wizzy plus warm body temp which eventually make me feel so weak; restrict me from doing what I want to. The weather isn't helping either; once it rains so bad non-stop, another it just went blazingly hot! terrible. been having afternoon naps whenever I can, due to all this nonsense. wah sakit kepale ahhh.

So much I wanted to do- 1.Shopping is so at the top of my list now! haha. a very long list that is. 2.Outings with all the girlfriends! soon ok (; get a license (since I'm still doing my higher nitec back then); yes, which I already realise a long time ago that I'm taking it tooo slow! gee. what to do. money wise & also my time-management. heh. My car btt is due next two weeks. I starts reading the theories. so much to know, but so little facts in the brains. ha! and and 4.holidaysss please? (; then the list goes on..

Jeritan Sepi very touchy. sedih gile! especially when it comes to the grandmother scenes. gee. go watch it on every wednesday night then you'll know what I mean. (haha ok random)

ok anyway, parents off to melaka tonight. Like normally, we sisters didn't tag lah. busyyy. cousin will be having his engagement at Kedah. well maybe will give them a call instead lah :)

I dunno if it was just me or what. but I felt I've been always in the unfair-zone (if theres even any) not now, always. hmpft. This and that; somethings that leave me unsaid. why? I'll be asking myself that with no answer. So much so, I will (try) not to get affected and stay at the positive side. Well, some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints. right? :)


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Monday, August 11, 2008

Nothing has taken away from this truth:
You are a very special someone.
You are a wonderful, rare person with no comparison.
And the more obstacles get in the way of our dreams,
the more we'll need to believe.

Happy Seventeen-monthsary love! :)
. . . . . . .

ok moving on.

I seems to be slothful going to work now. but just with the thought of wanting to shop so much bring me back to track; drag myself up from bed early morning, enduring the human-jam plus slow traffic plus long journey to and fro. then i tell myself, whatever. ha! and having people like Athirah, Suharti, Kak Milah, Kak Nor and Kak Zainah at work, make the day; make good company :) but sadly one down, kak nor's resigning already. tsk!

Meet the bf after work today. Went vivo for lunch, then movie. Cinemas was obviously packed. very very longgg queues. Bf ended up booking the tickets at the AXS machine. heh. The Love Guru was hilarious! Crappy. We had a good laugh watching it. Even the closing was funny! ;) - Headed to ecp to lepak after that. Yea, just that. Who says we need to exchange gifts, spent so much on each other to make it special? (; being with him already make my day.


This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Saturday, August 09, 2008


I personally thinks Singapore is the best country in Asia. Agree? Different races living together in the same land harmonically; Safe and clean :D

This year's ndp was great. I watched it on the way home from work in the bus, at TvMobile, and now at home. Decided not to go down to marina to watch the fireworks, since it was raining. and the thought of being with the crowds, plus I'm not feeling kind of ok, nevermind. Infact, the view on tv was better? :) Anyhoo, the 'Black Knights' were awesome! I was mesmerized by it, really. Those turns they make up in the sky without any fail. Cool ahhh. Especially the heart-shaped they made! And the fireworks, wow! ;D eventhough I can only hear the boom boom boom from here.

Stay unite as one.

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Thursday, August 07, 2008

"Loving is being open to change. People are dynamic - their personalities and interests constantly change. Sometimes, this change happens slowly, and sometimes it happens in a blink of an eye. Whatever the change is, and however long it takes, you have to accept it. Even if it means accepting that your lover no longer loves you."

Agree with me?

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Secondary One can be as tough you knoww. gees. Little than I expect it to be. Some were ok, but most of them were just .. erm monkeys! hahah. Replaced one of the trainers at Ngee Ann Sec earlier today. Conducted oral test for a class of about thirty. Horrible I tell you =.=' they'll go "tak tau" at most of the questions. tsktsk. Noisy bunch; full of nonsenses. and they admitted that they gotta changed total of five teachers until this end of sessions. pianggg. One hour with them wasn't enough to get the test done with. No, it doesn't even looks like a test la kan. Seriously. ha! I ended half an hour after. And there's this particular boy; maliciously annoying. Obviously he knows nothing. and he goes "aku cinta kau!" all the wayyy; each and every questions I asked. haha naughty lah. Monkeys, totally. But it was indeed an experience tho (: Looking forward for next assignment.

I wanna go for holidays. with friends! hehe. I wanna travel lahhh. Its been quite sometimes already. Batam? Bangkok? Genting? KL? hahah anyone? (: I needa start doing some saving up already. work work workkk!

oh! I've got the green light to step into the job scope of air-stewardess ah! ;) bayekk punye.

be happy, but not bitchy!

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.
Monday, August 04, 2008

And so, after many many months, finally we had the time to spent together. Saturday after work, I met my two girlfriends, Nadiah and Mia. Sadly Fyra couldn't make it; she's more busy handling the maids? hahah i miss you la babe! Anyway, did a little shopping with those two at Bugis Street. Luckily I got the girls with me, or I'll ended up buying whatever stuffs I could get my hands on. gees. The tube-dresses really tempts me. I am so gonna grab a few pieces on my next pay. Lets do another shopping next month k girls! (: Off to Plaza Singapura after that to haf dinner, then chilled until around nine-thirty.

The marriage were so well-done. Modern and grand. Abang Zari had his at the Hot Park club, multi-purpose hall. The view was tremendously beautiful! The foods were appetizing. The Puteri Wedding Services catering did a very pleasing job, I say :) well, me and family didn't stay for long tho. Headed to Johor after that to do some shopping at Giant and Jusco Trebau City, then. Back home only by midnight.

Earlier this afternoon, out with the bf for movie at Pasir Ris; lunched there, Arcade'd after movie, had yogurt etc, then headed to Parkway Parade to have a drink at Starbucks and chill. oh oh! Thank you bf for that crystal glass thing. Lovely! Even now, I'm still admiring it. And those smiles. kiss! heehe.

I've been having the not-nice-feeling like wants to vomit, recently; whenever. So sick!

Alright, chiao!

This pain in my head escaped from the heart.